07 October 2015

Fun with Pine Cones

Fun with Pine Cones, Just Call Me Martha...
Part One.

In spite of my sincere efforts to get back to regularly scheduled posts, I've failed.  Somehow I got mixed up on days last week and posted Tuesday and Wednesday instead of Tuesday/Thursday. This week I planned two posts and missed my deadline. Visitors, Homecoming duties for Bunny, more visitors.  I'm behind.

BUT! I will attempt to divert your attention from my disorganization with my latest little project.

If you spend any time on Pinterest or any of the DIY blogs then certainly you have seen these:

Honestly I try to stay  off of Pinterest because it makes me feel inadequate. I feel incredibly guilty when people follow me on Pinterest because, seriously, I am never on there, seldom post, and have no fabulous ideas. 
But I get it. 
Pinterest serves a purpose. 
Like inspiring people who have a surplus of pinecones.

And I have a HUGE surplus of pinecones this year.  Neighbor Sue made some wreaths with all of her pine cones. That got me to thinking about something decorative but I'm not too into wreaths. Around here they will just get blown off the doors. 

Sue's wreath.
The project that got me thinking....

So I decided a couple of pinecone topiaries would be fun.

I scored two ten inch styrofoam balls suitable for bases at the local Walmart.

Plastic covered styrofoam balls.
How convenient.

Searching for planters to put them into I realized...wait. Topiaries are a little formal, a little stuffy. This is a cabin. 
Who am I kidding? 
Not such a good idea after all. 

But what to do with the pinecones and styrofoam forms?  

At this same time I noticed my hanging planters were looking beyond pitiful. The deer had somehow grazed a lower one down to nubs.  And in the winter, I hate the empty hooks jutting from the cabin corners. They look so lonely.

 Used to be petunias.
Now deer food.
(Hi! Carlos...)


Pine cone balls to hang from the planter hooks. They won't die.  They won't freeze. 

And once it gets closer to Christmas I can spray paint them white or silver, add twinkle lights, red ribbons and make them Winter balls.

But for now they are fall pinecone balls.

Pine cone balls.
An improvement over dead hanging baskets. 

Next post: The How To....
Stay tuned....

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